YO1 Wellness Center
As the mantra for YO1 holistic wellness center reads, Your Journey to a  Healthier Life Begins Here. As such, GOTW’s expansive wall garden is  perfectly at home at YO1 in Upstate NY – both philosophically and botanically!  GOTW’s calming, restorative garden sets a peaceful tone in the lounge, while  reflecting the vistas of uninterrupted greenery visitors see out of nearly  every window. With a sprawling canvas of mosses, a dazzling variety of  foliage, and dashes of orange helichrysum disomi berries, GOTW’s garden is a  biophilic microcosm of the natural world right outside the doorway. In the  calming presence of preserved nature, what better way to begin your journey  to health and the discovery of a more natural way of living.
Monticello, NY
Gardens with Moss and Foliage